Saturday, June 26, 2010

I am the Walrus

Well, actually, I am the whale. And the tiger, monkey, ox ...

One of the units I taught this week was about animals. As the intro activity (we call it the "Engagement"), I wrote down all the names of the students in my class as well as my name. I put a line beside each name and made copies. Basically the activity is to think, for each person, what animal they would be and write it down beside their name. Then we came together as a class and shared them, with our explanations of why.

It was a pretty funny activity, because some people got regular animals like hamster, turtle, frog and some got more unique ones like plant-eating dinosaur, desert fox and cat raised by a rich family. Lots of laughs.

Then we got to my name. At first, when I heard some of these animals, I was on the verge of being offended, but when I heard my students' reasons, I was... well here's what they said:

  • Tiger (x2): Because I have all the power in the classroom. (true dat)
  • Eagle: Because of the way I walk and talk.
  • Hawk: Because I had said at the beginning of class that I took a spirit guide quiz and mine is apparently the hawk lol.
  • Leopard: Because "that's just what I see when I look at you."
  • Mother Monkey (note: I was about ready to throw down when I heard monkey, but...): Because as the teacher I am like a mother and (truesay) I move around a lot and make ridiculous gestures when I teach. Kind of like a monkey. That made me laugh.
Now for the 2 that struck a chord with me since I have had issues with my size for a very long time:
  • Whale: Because I seem independent. Like I don't need anyone else. I can handle my own.
  • Ox: Because I am "Powerful and dynamic" (yeah he said that).

Wow.... Just... wow. I was so touched by the end of it, but I had to just keep going. It was an interesting exercise. More so than I'd anticipated. We also had say what animal we think we would be. I'd said Black Panther (har har), because for as long as I can remember, I have fantasized and dreamt about being like a Black Panther, or being somehow linked to them. I never researched them and never really got into figuring out if there was something substantial to my feeling. But that's just the way it was. So for my students (3 of them), to associate me with a big cat (albeit different big cats), made me smile.

So that was a good day.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The TTC Ruins Lives

If you live in Toronto you know it's true.

Today I wanted to go see Karate Kid. Whatever you think of the movie I don't curr. I wanted to see it. I was on my way. Alas the weakest link in my TTC-chain to the theatre was pretty damn weak. So weak, I never even made it there.

Imagine, if you will, a sunny day. It's beautiful and you spent time getting ready so you're feeling good. You get off bus #1 to see bus #2 driving away. You consider running, but know that would be pointless, so you let it go thinking, "Another one will be along shortly enough." (Yes, you think like that) You get to the bus stop and check the schedule only to realise that bus #2 left 3 minutes EARLY! Now, I know what you're thinking. "It's just 3 minutes, Angel, big deal."

Well, if it had waited those 3 minutes, I would have caught it and made it to the theatre. Because it didn't, I didn't and therefore didn't. If you get what I'm saying. In public transit, 1 minute is a big deal. Ask anyone who's missed the last bus/train home because of 1 minute. The next bus came late. Like 10 minutes late. And what did it do? Drove right on past me. Why? Too full. Think about that. THEN, the next bus (which really should have come like 2 minutes after), was also 10 minutes late, at least, I'm not sure, because I gave up and went back home. So either these buses were crazy late or just all really early. Either way it was quite clear that the lovely schedules that people are paid to prepare and post to keep the public informed are just for show.

Anyway, begin TTC rant.... now:

You raise your fares while simultaneously reducing not only the frequency but the quality of your service. Your operators become more surly or downright rude. The drivers are becoming less competent (If you can't pull out of the bus bay without hitting the curb EVERY TIME, something is wrong). Their break times get longer. The "short turn" or "out of service" announcements become more frequent. And we put up with it. Then you strike. Because you want more money (or whatever). And who gets put out? Not the people you have beef with. No no. It's us. The people who put up with your shit time and time again and pay whatever you charge us however unreasonable we feel it is. But suddenly, we can't get to work/school. Sometimes we can't even get home, even though we were on our way, because you decide to pull a strike when no one's looking. No one's ready for it, but you seem to think it's A-OKAY to leave people stranded in the middle of the night no matter the danger of the neighbourhood. Why? Because you can.

Then, when you FINALLY get called on your bullshit. When people FINALLY start trying to hold you accountable, you hide behind this blame-shifting excuse of, "They need to train us better/more."

Well I'm VERY sorry, but if TTC employees can't read the time and follow a schedule as best they can (Because sometimes you can't avoid being late, but you never HAVE to be early), then perhaps the TTC should be a little more selective with who they hire. Maybe. Just a thought.

And MAYBE, when a TTC employee gets pulled over by the POLICE for DRIVING her bus DRUNK, just MAYBE she should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY. Not "suspended pending investigation." That's bullshit.

Do you know what "shit" is? It's waste. That's why we flush it away. That's why our bodies get rid of it. It's because we don't need it. Also because it would be detrimental to our health to keep it in our bodies. Yet that's what you keep feeding us. And, because we, as a city, RELY on you, we keep taking it.

I am literally disgusted. And I'm just waiting. For the day that the people whose mouths you shit in get full and start spitting it back at you double time. I'm waiting. I hope you're ready. Better yet, I hope you're not.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"At the end of the day, day, you can't regret it if you were trying, if you were trying..."

What if I'm sick and tired of trying?

People ask for honesty, then use it against you. They tell you they want you to be comfortable around them, but then they put you in uncomfortable situations without so much as a thought towards how you feel. They give you their "two cents" after you've made your decision as if it's going to change your mind.

They don't know me very well.

Scare tactics, bullying and guilt trips do not work with me. If you want to know how little they work on me, try one. You'll probably never know what I really think of you, because all you will see is the highest level of politesse and good humour. But trust me, the second you use any of these things on me is the same second I write you off. Completely. And it really doesn't matter who you are. I was not raised on tricks and I will not allow you to manipulate me with them.

If I, in the heights of frustration and stress, being seconds away from breaking down, can still be polite to you and remove you from my ire, you can do the same. Your position or status in life does not excuse you from the fundamental manners that we all (should) have been taught at a very young age. If you suspect that I refuse to put up with anymore of your shit, you're probably spot on. And if you try to pull me back in by being nice to me for a week, go ahead and think you've fooled me. You heighten my suspicion and become transparent. And I will do what is best for me. I don't care how long or short the 'relationship' has been. I don't need a year, or 3 months, or even 1 to know that you are a fucking loser and not worth my time.

I'm going to go away. Far away. For a long time. To make some money, clear my head and get away from you losers.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


I want so desperately to be passionate about something.
Like Susan Orlean in Adaptation
I find I feel nothing more than piqued interest in any one thing.
And I hate myself for it.

I want to know, categorically where I fit in this world
And what my purpose is. And I think that's the only thought that ever
Keeps me up at night. That ever
Makes me anxious.

And tonight as I sat on the crapper, waiting
I thought. And suddenly became panicked.
I dread the thought of doing what I've been doing these past 2 months
For another hour, let alone 2 more months
When my contract ends.

And I try so hard to think
Of what I could possibly want to do with my life.
(Music? Law? Art?)
That would give it meaning.
That would give me pleasure. And peace.
That I wouldn't get bored with in months and grow sick and tired of suddenly.

Suddenly I remember someone saying that it's
The journey.
That's what makes anything worthwhile.
It's how you get there that makes getting there worth anything.

But I am bored and, admittedly, impatient.
And I want to stay in my bed, or else go to some other part of the world and
Start over.

I feel suffocated. I feel trapped between
What I want (which is what?) and
What I think I ought to do
To be responsible
To keep from burning bridges. To be normal.
To grow up. I don't want to grow up. Not yet.

But it seems I'm here. On that road. On that ride.
And I can't stop it.
And I WANT to STOP it. I want to GET OFF!!
I want to cry. I want to scream.

Then I want to laugh and be happy
And stop making the people around me miserable
Or uncomfortable. Or unsure what to say or how to act.
Or angry and fed up with this
Whiny, self-absorbed, instant gratification-seeking

Maybe I'm depressed.
Maybe it's this FUCKING WINTER.

Maybe it's just PMS.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

It Hurts - Sep. 29/Oct. 14, 2009

It hurts to say
It hurts the way
I love you madly; painfully.

Distracting myself with foolish games,
So I don't seem like I'm waiting.
I want to please you.
Oh, but I need you
To want to please me too.

We are fighters, intensely.
We are lovers, immensely.
You are my flow, I am your ebb
In tandem.

It hurts to say
It hurts the way
I want you madly; desperately.

Oh take my heart in your hands.
I trust it there implicitly.
Don't let me see it broken;
Don't let me see it fall.
Don't let it grow old or grow cold.

I am your other, significantly.
I am your lover, magnificently.
I'll take your pain; share your shame.
I'm all you'll ever need.

It hurts, but oh, it's such a good hurt.
I love you crazily; emphatically; painfully.