Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 73: What Luck!

(Written March 25, 2011)

In the midst of anger and frustration,
A short temper was kept at bay
For good reason (she's doing her best)
And with excellent results.

What joy we experience, when we are given rare
Fortuitous opportunities. Even more joyous still
When the fortune comes  after the frustration.

Tempers checked, the fortune can simply be enjoyed
Without feelings of guilt at having behaved poorly
Before receiving such a gift.

Day 72: Wild Wild East

(Written March 24, 2011)

Rolling, rolling, rolling
Flowing and going
his is really not that simple.
Why is it easier to brace
And be abrasive?
Why is it more difficult to just smile
And say, "okay sure"?
Maybe I'll figure it out one day.
Until then: roll, flow and go.

Day 71: Parallels Never Meet

(Written March 23, 2011)

One says thirteen
The other says a Baker's Dozen.
The one hears 'dozen' and thinks twelve.
The two argue indefinitely
With the one not realising they are saying the same thing
And the other not realising the one does not realise.

Day 70: My People?

(Written March 22, 2011)

Death and madness abound; surround.
Falling through the cracks are the
Helpless and apathetic.
Those we neither seek nor receive;
The wrongdoers who believe themselves wronged;
The bored and disinterested who pretend to themselves
They do not know the consequences of their actions (and inaction);
Could not predict them.

Running away from trouble we create
So naive as to think it's not our fault.
The shoddy carpentry we perpetrate,
Crumbling down around us and we ask

What learned ignorance is this?
what bliss can be found here?
We do not know our story, sow e have no foundation.
Anything we build will fall. HARD,
For it wil have been built on nothing.

But how can we be blamed?
Those of us who ask questions; who challenge
With the intent to learn, are dismissed. Put in their place.
Laughed at. "How could you not know?"
But if we are never told, even when we ask,
What else can be expected?

We are a diminished version of our once proud selves.
Lost, so many centuries ago, to the lure of the unknown.
When we were tending to the health of our communities,
They were tending to the health of their economies;
Planning ways to bolster their egos and land through atrocities.

And now, centuries later, after we have been
Sold, broken, enslaved, programmed, conditioned and "freed"
We cling to that which first dishonoured our names.
We are, all of us, mad.
We are, all of us, dead.

Day 69: Round and Round and Round We Go

(Written on March 21, 2011)

Slow, but definite repitition.
One season becoming the next, next, next,
Then back to one.
Without fail, charted by
The moon, the tide, the month,
Expectation met, inexplicably, unsurprisingly.
Good, bad, or mediocre, but always

Day 68: Silly Questions

(Written March 20, 2011)

Who can love me?
Taking every imperfection
And viewing them through the lens of acceptance;

Who can see me?
Beyond the defence mechanisms
And dismissive jokes to find
Raw beauty.

Who can feel me?
Cursed with a disposition towards
Anger and negativity...
Who would want to?

Can I stay me and find one such as this?
Before I die?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 67: New Buddies

Instant  connections
Fearful, but reckless
Trusting, but cautious
Going with the flow,
Always with an escape rout planned.
It's nice to make a new friend. =)

Day 66: Circumstance

(Written March 18, 2011)

What makes 'choice' so invisible?
How can we be in a situation and feel we are unable to change it?
How can we EVER say
"I had no choice"?
There is ALWAYS a choice.
Whether the other option is a desirable one...
That's another issue.

Day 65: Owlman

(Written March 17, 2011)

Approaching another milestone
The questions creep in:
Am I ready? What next? Why now? How'd I get here?
The answers are often the same:
"Doesn't matter."

Day 64: Opposites and Alliteration

(Written March 16, 2011)

High on possibility
Low on change
Restlessly wrestling restive restraints
Eager to please the same
Outwardly opposed; inwardly intrigued
Drugged into dreams; dreary drudgery
Innocent implications turn ignitable
Dangerous dealings declare dubious dares.

Day 63: L.O.L.

(Written March 15, 2011)

Daily terror of the mind
Rushes in and out of time
Taking with it the memories of yesterday and days long past.
Fulfilling prophecies told at birth
Ageing quickly and slowly all the time
Take this pamphlet and read it
Knowing it was written for you... in love

Pay no heed to the men and women of today
Who hate in silence. I love out loud.
Always and forever.
Terror has no place inside my love.
No place. None.

Day 62: Let/Let Not

(Written March 14, 2011)

Let your words go unspoken
Let your promises be few
Let their expectations for them
Be no higher than yours for you

Let the colours fade
Let the wrinkles deepen
But never let the light in your eyes
Ever darken; ever die.

Every glisten of life that you shed on the ground
Is retrieved by one lesser in faith or mind sound.
Let them take what they can
Let them soak up your rays
Always shine like God's hand
On these terrifying days.

Day 61: Gem

(Written March 13, 2011)

A block of ice with a diamond inside
Chisel into it
Set it over a fire
Axe the block in half
Sculpt the block into the shape of a gem
In the end, everyone gets a diamond.
There is no one way to do any one thing.
Paths may cross but they are never the same as the next.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 60: Hurt

What power words have
More so: thoughts.
A word uttered; with no malintent
But misinterpreted;
Does as much damage
As if that were its purpose.

Day 59: This Love

(Written Mar 11, 2011)

The fire of a thousand suns
The passion of an irate bull, charging its target
The intensity of a downpour during hurricane season
And all the fear that comes with it...
None of these even touch my love.

For it is more fiery, passionate, intense and intimidating
But also more thrilling and dizzying than your first roller coaster ride
More tender than the softest satin
More high-inducing than the highest grade or the most illicit drug.

If I could patent this love, I'd be rich beyond measure
But there are virtually none who could handle its power
Its raw energy. None who would not be done in by their own attempts to imitate.
It is a greater service I do for the World by keeping my secrets secret
While I wait. Watch and wait
For the only other who can withstand-- nay-- embrace
This love. And who knows this love as his own.

Day 58: Maps

(Written Mar 10, 2011)

Europe, we romanticize
Asia, we exoticize
But Africa, we demonize?
What's up with that?

How easy do you think it was
For the powers that be to build a buzz
And then to convince all of us
A continent is what it's not?

Day 57: Story

(Written Mar 9, 2011)

Following our hero's travels
We see him make a pit stop in an unknown village.
He asks a local, sitting by a fountain,
"Excuse me sure. What's the name of this place?"
The man replies, "Hell."
Oh my, thinks our hero,
who then suspects the man to have perhaps just received some bad news or to have fallen on hard times.

Our hero asks again of a woman he encounters.
She is sweeping her front step.
"I call it my own personal nightmare," she grumbles.
Goodness me. Must be a rough town.

Finally our hero finds a child.
"Excuse me little one, what sort of place is this?"
The child, finger in ear, thinks about our hero's question, then finally answers,
"My mum says it's a place where you work hard or you starve."
Our hero, stunned into silence but for a moment,
Mutters under his breath,
"Egad, this IS Hell."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 56: Time to Smarten Up, Pumpkin.

Tick... tock... tick... tock...
Tick... tick... tick... tick...
Standing still... time.
Nothing progresses; nothing grows.
No one ages; no one learns.
Stuck in the hapless, hopeless, dissonant rhythm of stupidity
And punishment.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 55: I'll Get To It

"I will change," she told herself
She made vows to lose weight;
Get rid of the habits men hate;
Resolutions to be healthier; wealthier.
The pressure on herself getting heavier

But tomorrow never comes.
Each day, the same promises run
It never comes,
Because after so long,
This thought runs strong, but under the surface,
"If I change myself, who will I be?
I won't be me."

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 54: --

Halfway through it all,
My strength weakens; is broken.
Can I reach the end?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 53: Cheers

Time to think and think and over-think
Time to cry and feel worthless
Time to talk yourself down
And beat yourself up
Time for lonely

But at the same... time...

A chance to reflect and address
A chance to keep the good and discard the musty
A chance to learn new things and see new places
To meet new people and discover yourself
To find things you never know you had in you
So, here's one for lonely. May we never hide from it.

Day 52: Toronto

(Written Mar 4, 2011)

Melting pot
Of tastes, smells, sights and sounds.
The world brought together
And dwelling in one city.
One large city... that thinks small.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 51: Heat

Spreading like wildfire
Moving quickly; virus-like
Attacking the stiff; the frozen
Leaving them soft; malleable.

For what purpose? To what end?
The spectators dare not ask
For fear of the answer
Worried that they may be faced with a difficult choice
If the answer is revealed to be of dubious nature

For now, the intentions are kept a mystery
But the benefits of the actions continue to be enjoyed.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 50: This Is A Bad Habit I Should Probably Break

What am I doing
Allowing you back in?
Is this a bad idea?
Can any good come of this?
And why? Is it just loneliness?
If it is, then I'm doing you a great disservice.
Don't worry about me. I'm a grown up. I can handle it. 
You say.
But I'm already getting annoyed by your habits
And you're already doing the things I hate
Just use me like I'm using you.
... I gotta go
... uh yeah, me too.
Call me tomorrow?
I'll definitely try!
sigh It WAS a bad idea.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 49: Other Questions Include, "Is it Possible?" and "How Can I Accomplish This in Korea?"

What do you do when
Without your consent
Something once central in your life
Must now be eliminated?

The question is not:
"Is it for the better?"
This is irrelevant.
The question is not:
This, too, bears no effect.
The question is not:
"How did this happen?"
Questioning of this nature leads only to frustration.
Also: longing and sadness.

The question IS:
"What now?"