Thursday, May 12, 2011

28-Day Challenge

I missed being forced to write every day. I know I still could, but I've lost the compulsion to write that comes with knowing you made a commitment that you must honour. So, naturally I went to Google (and my Facebook status update) for ideas. I found a lot, actually, but I liked this one the most. Therefore, starting tonight, I will follow the below list (taken from Something For When You're Bored):

  • Day 01: Something you're looking forward to this year.
  • Day 02: Something you regret not having done last year.
  • Day 03: Something with which you struggle.
  • Day 04: Something that is part of your routine that you enjoy.
  • Day 05: Something in life that gives you balance.
  • Day 06: Something that excites you and fills you with joy.
  • Day 07: Something at which you've been a champion or the best.
  • Day 08: Something about which people seem to compliment you.
  • Day 09: Something you hope to change about yourself and why.
  • Day 10: Discuss some of the things on your bucket list.
  • Day 11: Someone who has made your life worth living.
  • Day 12: A band/musical artist whose music impacted your life.
  • Day 13: A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
  • Day 14: Someone with whom you shared a friendship/relationship that simply drifted out of your life.
  • Day 15: Someone you met randomly that's made an impact on your life.
  • Day 16: Something that shook your belief system to its core (a big disappointment in your life).
  • Day 17: Discuss your favorite movie and why it's so special to you.
  • Day 18: Write about your best friend (not significant other) and what makes them special.
  • Day 19: Describe a dark/turbulent moment in your life.
  • Day 20: Describe a truly spiritual moment in your life.
  • Day 21: Discuss a spontaneous moment in your life that that turned out to be fantastic.
  • Day 22: Discuss something you planned that ended up not being what you expected.
  • Day 23: How do you handle/deal with both success and failure?
  • Day 24: What is your vocation (why are you here on earth)?
  • Day 25: What is your biggest dream in life (what one great thing do you want to accomplish)?
  • Day 26: What WAS your biggest dream in life (you wanted to do as a kid but no longer can)?
  • Day 27: Someone in your family that means so much to you.
  • Day 28: Epilogue: Write a letter to yourself.
I will post each of them, just maybe not right away.

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